At Church of the Living Waters Apostolic, we strive to not only feed the spiritual but also other areas of our lives. There are various ministries that are at this assembly that aims to meet those needs.

Men's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Minister George Reid
Minister Reid leads our men's ministry. He oversees our men themed events. Our meetings are held bi-monthly on the first Sunday. He also leads the youths of CLWA. Our youth meetings are held every third Thursday.

Bilingual Connect
Bro. Charlie and Sis. Pat Pagan
Bro. and Sis. Pagan are instrumental in reaching out to our Spanish community. They assist in getting the message of salvation to the Spanish community.

Ladies Ministry
First Lady Claudette Garrick
First Lady Garrick leads our women's ministry. She oversees our women themed events. Our meetings are held bi-monthly on the first Sunday.

Sunday School Ministry
Special Events Coordinator
Sis. Simone Smith
Sis. Smith oversees our Sunday school classes. She also leads in preparing for special events that are hosted by the church.

Media Ministry
Usher/Greeters Ministry
Sis. Claudette Reid
Sis. Reid oversees our media department. She also oversees our ushers and greeters ministry.